
AmiNext PRO tablet 60


  • Essential Amino Acids(EAA)
  • Branch Chain Amino Acids(BCAA)
  • Biotin
  • VIT B12(methylcobalamin)
  • Multi Vitamin
  • Multi Mineral
  • Ginseng Extract

Essential Amino acids are crucial for muscle growth, development and strength.

They are the individual components that make up proteins, which are the building blocks of the human body.

■Heavy workouts make us lose Essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins which can cause Imbalance in the body thus resulting in Fatigue.

■ The Electrolytes, vitamins and mineral ensure that the amount of fluid inside and outside the cells is balanced.

■AMINEXT is developed to fulfill the needs of BCAA, Essential Amino Acids, Vitamins and minerals post or during workouts. It provides Instant Energy when consumed.

■High quantity (1500mg) of Vit B12 (Methylcobalamin) does not cause cramps. The consumption of AMINEXT provides instant energy to body and help reduce post workout muscle soreness.

■A combination of Essential Amino Acids, Methylcobalamin and Biotin is good for hair, nail and skin health.

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