AmiNext PRO tablet 60
- Essential Amino Acids(EAA)
- Branch Chain Amino Acids(BCAA)
- Biotin
- VIT B12(methylcobalamin)
- Multi Vitamin
- Multi Mineral
- Ginseng Extract
■Essential Amino acids are crucial for muscle growth, development and strength.
They are the individual components that make up proteins, which are the building blocks of the human body.
■Heavy workouts make us lose Essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins which can cause Imbalance in the body thus resulting in Fatigue.
■ The Electrolytes, vitamins and mineral ensure that the amount of fluid inside and outside the cells is balanced.
■AMINEXT is developed to fulfill the needs of BCAA, Essential Amino Acids, Vitamins and minerals post or during workouts. It provides Instant Energy when consumed.
■High quantity (1500mg) of Vit B12 (Methylcobalamin) does not cause cramps. The consumption of AMINEXT provides instant energy to body and help reduce post workout muscle soreness.
■A combination of Essential Amino Acids, Methylcobalamin and Biotin is good for hair, nail and skin health.
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